Use Cases

Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)

Aviation SBAs Tokenizing aviation-related assets, such as aircraft fleets, airport infrastructure, and aviation services, offers investors exposure to the aviation industry’s growth and profitability potential.


Company Buyouts (LBOs and MBOs) Tokenizing company buyouts allows investors to participate in acquisitions and mergers, benefiting from potential growth and value creation.


Renewable Energy Tokenizing renewable energy projects like solar farms, wind turbines, and hydroelectric plants enables investors to participate in the burgeoning green energy sector.

Infrastructure Tokenizing infrastructure assets, including toll roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, provides investors with exposure to essential services and long-term revenue streams.

Commodities Tokenizing commodities such as precious metals, agricultural products, and energy resources facilitates trading and investment in these markets, offering diversification benefits to investors.

Intellectual Property Tokenizing intellectual property rights like patents, copyrights, and trademarks enables creators and inventors to monetize their innovations and generate passive income streams.

Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)

Residential Mortgages Tokenizing residential mortgage-backed securities allows investors to gain exposure to the real estate market while benefiting from the security and steady income streams generated by mortgage repayments.

Commercial Mortgages Tokenizing commercial mortgage-backed securities provides investors with fractional ownership in commercial properties, enhancing liquidity and offering opportunities for diversified real estate investments.

Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs)

Corporate Debt Tokenizing corporate debt through CDOs enables investors to diversify their portfolios with exposure to various corporate loans and bonds, mitigating risk and enhancing potential returns.


Consumer Debt Tokenizing consumer debt, including credit card receivables and personal loans, through CDOs offers investors a way to participate in the consumer credit market, providing steady income streams and portfolio diversification.